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 07-06-2004, 14:33 Post: 90216

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Location: Central New Jersey
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Posts: 29
 Metal edging for driveway

I'm looking for a good way to edge a stone driveway where it meets a garden. I'm using a 3/4 stone and granite dust mix (about 2-3 inches for the base over old existing base) and 1/2" layer of 3/8 Pea gravel, in a 60ft diameter pattern. The back half of the cirle will abut to a mulched area that will contain some trees and other plantings. Should I use a metal edge between the two surfaces. Do they make a radiased metal edge?


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 01-01-2006, 15:26 Post: 122100

Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Villa Rica Georgia
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 7
 Metal edging for driveway

There is no radiused metal edgeing that I am aware of. How about edge it in brick? Just an idea. I recently did a stone drive that way and it turnrd out real nice. Plus brick is cheap or you could go to new construction and pick up the left overs for free. Buliders are usually more than happy to give you stuff that they would have to pay to have hauled off.

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